By Steven Paul Lansky

The Break

The Break is Steve Lansky’s harrowing and comic account of his descent into madness after he changed the medication he took to keep his schizophrenia in check. Written with a poet’s eye for detail and with great sensitivity and insight, it follows his quixotic quest to find love and literary success while trying to navigate a world that was not designed for people like him.

Steven Paul Lansky lives in Clifton, an urban Cincinnati neighborhood. He likes to paint, sketch, play harmonica, and write poetry. His works include the chapbooks, Main St., and Eleven Word Title for Confessional Political Poetry Originally Composed for Radio; a novella, A Black Bird Fell Out of the Sky; and a collection of vignettes and sketches, Life is a Fountain. His audiobook, Jack Acid, may be found on Spotify and Apple Music.